Tag: paranormal



Charli Mac

Clara died a horrible death, slipping and sliding in her own blood while she tried to stop an elderly neighbor from being robbed. She passed, but she didn’t go anywhere. Life as a ghost isn’t too bad, though. She has her neighbor, Agnes, and together they learn how to dream-share so that Clara can have some company, but then Agnes dies and the cottage sits empty for years.

It’s a lonely, lonely existence, but a safe one.

When Patrick buys the cottage and moves in with big plans to renovate it, Clara’s isolation is broken, but so also is her little bubble of security.

Patrick draws her. He’s handsome, intense, and full of life. He’s everything Clara has been starved of. She dream-shares with him, even knowing he doesn’t understand that she’s real. In those dreams, Patrick takes her to places she never imagined she’d want to go, down the seductive rabbit hole of BDSM. Clara is enraptured, but now that she’s had a taste, she wants more. She wants Patrick to know that she’s real, that he’s doing all these things with her…not with a figment of his imagination.

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Click here for Charli Mac's Deep Desires Press page.

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Dylan James

Eli is headed out on a wilderness camping weekend with his boyfriend Brady and their best friends Keith and Stefan. For the guys, this weekend getaway is to celebrate graduating high school, but for Eli, it’s about creating wonderful final memories with Brady before he breaks up with him.

It’s not that he doesn’t love Brady, it’s that he doesn’t deserve Brady.

Brady is a young man that’s going somewhere—not just to the west coast for university—but in life. He has prospects ahead of him and the support of loving family behind him. Eli has none of those. Orphaned when he was just ten, he’s bounced from foster home to foster home and in a few weeks when he turns eighteen, he’s out on his own with no supports and no one behind him. He doesn’t want to drag down Brady with this, because it will eventually lead to the end of their relationship—so going out with good memories is the plan.

But for Eli, this plan is a weakness. Something evil has latched onto his unhappiness and his fears of rejection and isolation. When they set out on a hike to an abandoned church, it’s a trek Eli won’t return from as he is entrapped by a demon that draws on his deepest fears and brings them to life.

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Click here for Dylan James's author page.

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

A Cat’s Play is the Death of Mice

A Cat's Play is the Death of Mice

Kon Blacke

When Oliver Merritt’s parents were murdered by a strange, shadowed man in an alleyway off the foggy streets of Victorian London, he vowed to get revenge against him. In his sorrow, Oliver discovered he has magic—an energy that’s anchored to his physical self and acts as an enhanced extension of his senses, but only stays with him if he remains chaste.

With nowhere else to go, Oliver accepts an offer to live in a brothel, starting work as an exotic dancer to earn his keep. If he thought his life had been turned upside down, things become even more interesting when a scraggly, tousle-haired lad named Tom Arkwright—the son of a local constable—arrives at the brothel as part of another murder investigation.

Together they help each other with their cases, and in doing so, they realize the shadowed man who murdered Oliver’s parents—called the Skilamalink Man—is responsible for all the murders in the area. Oliver soon finds himself falling for the charming, streetwise young Tom.

Now he must choose between revenge and love. But if he chooses his heart, is it right to sacrifice his magic, when it might be the only thing that can stop the Skilamalink Man from killing again?

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Tawnya Torres

A pandemic results in two types of undead: walking corpses or blood-thirsty vampires. Logan and his brother Matthew await death from scarlet fever but are given the second option by Matthew’s twin, Liam, when he returns from war.

The brothers join an all-male gang of Vamps who go out together to feed. Women in town are drawn to them by an offer to participate in “bloodlust”, a feeding that begins with sexual rituals, then turns deadly when the sun goes down. Most girls don’t make it home.

Logan has been sleeping with Matthew’s fianceé, but the guilt of being a liar and a thug causes him to re-think his actions. After a particularly brutal night of bloodlust, Logan comes across a dying girl calling out for help. Unsure of what to do, and with his mounting guilt, Logan decides to change her. She wakes with amnesia and Logan teaches her how to live in his world while trying to find the man who left her for dead, not realizing how dangerous such a pursuit might be—for both of them.

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Click here for Tawyna Torres's author page.

Books by Tawnya Torres

My Saurian Friends

My Saurian Friends

The Saurian Love Trilogy, Book Two

Kon Blacke

Max Bujold is a velociraptor with heart.

But because he works undercover to expose illegal activities against humans by saurians, he finds himself embroiled in the sickening underworld culture known as ikizukuri porn. This spectacle, organised by underworld bosses for saurian entertainment, puts bought humans ‘on the menu’ to be 'used' and eaten alive at the same time.

One such human, a young boy named Benjamin, steals Max’s heart at the same time as Aston, Max’s next-door neighbour, does. And all too quickly, Max discovers he not only needs to save Benjamin, but Aston as well.

Can Max, with the help of his saurian friends, prevent the unthinkable? Or will his job force him to live the rest of his days without the loves of his life?

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Consensual Conquest

Consensual Conquest

T.A. Kemons

On her first day of college, Abigale is shocked to find that the school’s star athlete, Jack Billard, is interested in her. Is this a joke? A prank? A super-jock like Jack being into a goth queen?

Just as Abby begins to unravel the mystery of Jack’s pursuit, her mother reveals a family secret that explains Jack’s unusual willingness to submit to her demands. A new instinct rises in Abby, one she will have to fight if she wants to keep Jack the way he is.

Or she can give into her newfound power and bend him to her will, whatever the consequences…

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Books by T.A. Kemons

Sins of the Vampire

Sins of the Vampire

Britt Collins

Thirty days.

That's how long Cross has been back. It's been one entire month and still he's living in a rat-infested, abandoned motel. The shrillness of a woman screaming in the night fills him with a gut-wrenching pain.

Pandora is all alone. Though she's not unfamiliar with the creatures of the night, she's terrified. She's being hunted by humans and demons who want to use her for their own ends.

Her only chance at survival is a former angel, long tossed out of Heaven and now a pure blood vampire...

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His Mate Series

His Mate Series

Charli Mac

Now available as a bundle! The His Mate series is a set of fated-to-be-mated PNR novellas featuring shifters, werewolves and demons (Oh my!). We even throw in a witch for good measure. In a world where things go bump (and grind) in the night, our heroes are smart, seductive, and sexy as hell. They’re on the hunt for some badass, beautiful and even book-reading heroines. This complete bundle contains all six novellas of the His Mate Paranormal Romance series.

His Curious Mate
Anna is sensible, staid, and single—and sick of it. She wants excitement; she wants to be tied down and spanked! How’s shifter Callum supposed to say no to that, especially when the woman is his mate?

His Cautious Mate
Getting tied up by his mate isn’t the most conventional start to a relationship, but Gregor has no intentions of going anywhere, not when he’s got shy but sensual Bea playing nurse maid.

His Capricious Mate
Coffin? Seethe master Tobias has a kink dungeon, thank you very much, and he’s delighted to give ex-cop-now-artist Cat her own, very personal tour.

His Calamitous Mate
Daisy is a witch with a problem—Abigor, warrior demon, the Grand Duke of Hell. He’s just attached himself to her as her personal bodyguard, key word: personal.

His Classy Mate
Evangeline is a vampire and lady. That won’t stop her from doing what needs to be done to protect human Michael from the malicious intentions of fellow vampire Julian.

His Contrary Mate
Janna is meant to take a wolf for a mate, not a hapless vampire. Kevin doesn’t much care for what should happen, and if he has to take on an entire shifter pack to keep her, he will.

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Phantasia #1

Mark Kelly

The Geist exist to ferry ghosts away from dead bodies and into the gates of the afterlife. At least, that’s what Ash Murphy was told after he died in a fiery car crash and became one.

Ash is forced to leave his old life behind and join the ranks of the mostly invisible, seemingly immortal Geist. And they all seem pretty perky for people who deal with death on a daily basis.

After years of rejection and isolation, Ash finally has a group of friends he's willing to fight for. Of course, not everyone believes that Geist are doing God's work. Ash discovers this when he attracts the ire of The Brotherhood of Eternity, who believe Geist are actually murdering those they reap. And they will stop at nothing to exorcize every Geist on Earth.

Ash will do whatever it takes to defend his new family and take down the Brotherhood…or he'll die (again) trying.

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Click here to visit Mark Kelly's Deep Desires Press page.

Geist is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by Mark Kelly

The Space In Between

The Space In Between

L. B. La Vigne

When first time homeowner Charlie moves into his new house, he expects he's left The Horror behind—the possibly demonic entity that haunted his dreams in his old apartment. Moving in the middle of a scorching Arizona summer with his cat, Tango, the place needs some redecorating, and maybe a few repairs, but the most important part is that it's his.

While The Horror is no longer with him, it soon becomes clear that something else is. There are strange noises, things move around, and Tango senses something that Charlie can't see. But as he starts to fear that maybe The Horror did follow him here, he's very quickly relieved to learn that this place is haunted with its own ghost—and this ghost is a sexy, sultry man who is determined to protect Charlie from otherworldly terrors.

As he grows closer—and more intimate—with this ghost, the edges of Charlie's reality begin to fray. Even when he realizes that this sexy ghost lover might have less than noble intentions, the claws may already be in too deep to escape.

But with how the ghost pleasures him in ways no mere mortal can, he's not even sure he wants to save himself…

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