Tag: romance

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Dylan James

Eli is headed out on a wilderness camping weekend with his boyfriend Brady and their best friends Keith and Stefan. For the guys, this weekend getaway is to celebrate graduating high school, but for Eli, it’s about creating wonderful final memories with Brady before he breaks up with him.

It’s not that he doesn’t love Brady, it’s that he doesn’t deserve Brady.

Brady is a young man that’s going somewhere—not just to the west coast for university—but in life. He has prospects ahead of him and the support of loving family behind him. Eli has none of those. Orphaned when he was just ten, he’s bounced from foster home to foster home and in a few weeks when he turns eighteen, he’s out on his own with no supports and no one behind him. He doesn’t want to drag down Brady with this, because it will eventually lead to the end of their relationship—so going out with good memories is the plan.

But for Eli, this plan is a weakness. Something evil has latched onto his unhappiness and his fears of rejection and isolation. When they set out on a hike to an abandoned church, it’s a trek Eli won’t return from as he is entrapped by a demon that draws on his deepest fears and brings them to life.

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Click here for Dylan James's author page.

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.



T.J. Baer

“Heartfelt and full of love, Dreamers will stay with you long after finishing. Baer has crafted a beautiful portrait of friendship, family, and staying true to yourself.”
—Alison Evans, author of EUPHORIA KIDS

The week of Leo Torres’ sixteenth birthday, he decides to finally start living as the boy he is. Armed with a new haircut, a chest binder, and a stack of notes declaring his new name to his teachers, Leo shows up to the first day of school ready for a brand new start.

But the ghosts of the past aren’t so easy to overcome. As word about him spreads around school, Leo has to deal with confused classmates, a furious sister, and recurring dreams featuring his long-dead father, who promises he can teach Leo how to “dream walk.” Leo is almost positive the dreams are just that—dreams—but when they take him into the dreamscape of the soft-spoken new kid, Robbie, Leo realizes nothing is as it seems.

Leo never expected to spend his sixteenth year coming out, falling in love, and walking into other people’s sleeping minds, but he’s learning that pretty much anything is possible. Anything he can dream.

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Click here for T.J. Baer's author page.

Dreamers is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by T.J. Baer

Of Gods and Boys

Of Gods and Boys

Harry F. Rey

Teenager Achilles is fresh out of juvie.

It wasn't even for something he did; he took the fall for a crime committed by his father, a member of the Greek mafia. As hard as prison was for Achilles, being outside is proving even harder. He struggles to reconnect with his former girlfriend Carla while getting his GED and navigating the bizarre parole condition of qualifying for a Greco-Roman wrestling competition. At least his mom, an ardent follower of traditional Greek religion, is there to help Achilles win the favor of the gods with animal sacrifices in the back garden.

When Principal McKenna sets Achilles up with a student tutor, out-and-proud Hispanic math genius Jesús, things start to turn mythical. After saving Jesús from a violent homophobic attack, the Gods want a word with Achilles. With the help of Underworld boatman Charon (in full drag), Achilles' heroic actions spark an epic adventure of mythological proportions that will force Achilles to confront, and defeat, all his many, many demons in order to win what his heart truly desires.

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Click here for Harry F. Rey's author page.

Of Gods and Boys is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

You Can Call Me Cooper

You Can Call Me Cooper

Cali Kitsu

Eighteen and newly single, baseball all-star Coop Morgan should feel devastated, but instead he feels...ambivalent. That is, until Ethan Prescott, his coach's gorgeous son, joins the team. Coop and Ethan feel an immediate connection, one that Coop has never felt before.

Just when Coop is about to make a move on Ethan, he stumbles on his late mother's journal and learns old secrets—about his family, about the people around him, about his past, and about his present. Secrets that had forever altered the course of his life to bring him to where he is now.

Between these long-buried secrets, forbidden romances, baseball shenanigans, and more, Coop is driven to embrace what he truly wants—Ethan. It takes everything Coop has to free himself from the shackles of the past, but in doing so, he might just be the key to everyone getting their happy-ever-afters.

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Click here for Cali Kitsu's author page.

You Can Call Me Cooper is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by Cali Kitsu

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark

S.W. Ballenger

Hawk has the perfect life with the perfect girlfriend that he's loved since seventh grade. He's built his whole world around her, and he knows that once they graduate and enter the adult world, he's going to marry her and they're going to start a family.

This rock-solid life is shaken after a chance encounter with his former childhood best friend, Gabe. He's now the quarterback of the rival school's football team, tall, rugged, handsome...all of which awakens feelings Hawk thought he'd buried long ago.

When tragedy destroys Hawk's perfect world, he turns to the only one that can help him through—Gabe. With his best friend's help, will Hawk be able to rebuild his world and regain his footing? Or will he sink so deep into depression that he'll never escape?

Publisher's Note:
Hunting Rabbits in the Dark takes place in a small town in Arkansas. It's set five years after the events of A Boy Remade, but can be read as a standalone. This novel explores teen grief, depression, bisexuality, and love.

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  • Amazon (also part of Kindle Unlimited)

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Click here for S.W. Ballenger's author page.

Hunting Rabbits in the Dark is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

A Broke Boy in a Rich Girl’s Heart

A Broke Boy in a Rich Girl's Heart

C.K. Dion

Sallie lives a comfortable life in a wealthy resort town. Things seem to go well in her life, from her parents supporting her transition to her budding businesses making jewelry to her awesome best friend.

This comfortable life takes an unexpected detour—the good kind—when she meets fellow teen artist Cris. While the start of their friendship is awkward, he quickly becomes an important part of her life and those feelings soon grow. That chance meeting blossoms into a relationship with both teens head over heels in love.

But not everyone is happy about this.

The problem? Cris comes from the wrong part of town and Sallie’s parents have a problem with that. They’d rather see her with someone like Aidan—good looks, athletic, respectable family, great wealth—than someone like Cris.

With endless obstacles and challenges thrown in their way, will this broke boy find a permanent place in this rich girl’s heart?

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Click here for C.K. Dion's Deep Desires Press page.

A Broke Boy in a Rich Girl's Heart is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

An Angel Among Dogs

An Angel Among Dogs

To The Dogs #1

Charli Mac

Bethany is dead. It was horrible and violent, but it’s over now. And she’s still here, kind of, floating aimlessly in a vast nothingness, a mind without a body.

Kai Strand is First Hound. It’s a heavy responsibility, trying to ensure the survival of his race against the men who have always seen them as second-class citizens. After his Hounds are instrumental in winning a battle for valuable new land, he is astonished when Price Faron offers him an unbelievable reward: a chance to stand before the Ether at the Solar Convexion—the first in a hundred and fifty years—and see if he is lucky enough to call forth a spirit to bind.

A strange doorway opens before Bethany, pulling her through. Is it the real world or something else? On the other side, she finds a riot of noise and confusion…and a handsome man whose tortured expression called to her through the portal. She clings to him as he whisks her away into the night.

This may not have been the wisest decision because it seems there’s been a case of mistaken identities of epic proportion: he and his companions, Hounds, they call themselves, think she’s an angel. A sacred being with all sorts of powers. Ha.

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Click here for Charli Mac's Deep Desires Press page.

An Angel Among Dogs is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

I Know You’re Out There Somewhere

I Know You're Out There Somewhere

Joe Baumann

Kyle Filburn appears to have a picture-perfect life. He's entering his senior year, in a relationship with a great girl, on his high school's three-times-straight state championship soccer team, and an art professor from the local university has invited him to show and sell his work in his gallery.

But a chance meeting with a midfielder from a rival high school creates cracks in this picture-perfect life. Kyle develops feelings for this boy, throwing him into confusion. What does he want? And with whom? And when an anonymous patron starts buying his art, Kyle starts to wonder whether he should really be pursuing art school rather than athletics.

It becomes crystal clear that this picture-perfect life no longer reflects who Kyle is or who he wants to be...but what does that mean for Kyle?

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Click here for Joe Baumann's Deep Desires Press page.

I Know You're Out There Somewhere is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.