Category: New Release

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Jacyn Gormish

Cassava is a Black Sin—an undesirable from society that has been trained as an assassin.

She goes where the Priests tell her and kills who they deem unworthy. But this next target is one that stops Cassava cold in her tracks; it's not the usual mark she has to take down. The Priests have learned of someone who is able to weave magic—something that shouldn't be possible, and something that needs to be controlled or eliminated. And to take care of this problem, the Priests are sending her to the mainland, a place forbidden to Cassava and her kind.

When she finds this girl who can weave magic, Cassava is immediately attracted and insatiably curious. She's also overwhelmed and in awe of the mainland, by how much more free and open and safe it is compared to the Islands. But that safety and openness is deceptive as her crush—the girl who weaves magic—soon goes missing, and in her search, Cassava unearths dark truths about the mainland.

And only someone like Cassava—a Black Sin—can do something about it.

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Mark of Silence and Secrets is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.



Victoria Kinnaird

Almost a decade ago, eight-year-old Wesley Darlington disappeared while on a family vacation on the tropical island of Ne’ver. He was found several days later with a bump on his head and no memory of what had happened.

Fast forward ten years and Wes is now a high school senior with a gorgeous, mysterious blonde stranger following him—a young man who seems vaguely familiar, though Wes can't place him. When one night this stranger crawls through his window, he tells Wes his name is Peter and he’s come from Neverland, a part of the island of Ne'ver shrouded by magic and hidden from the human world.

Peter is desperate for Wes's help; the infamous Captain Hook wants Neverland for himself, and if Peter can't defeat him in time, all will be lost. The weight of the world rests on Wes's shoulders. Will learning to fly be the scariest challenge for him? Or will falling in love with Peter be even scarier?

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Ne'ver is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by Victoria Kinnaird



Charli Mac

Clara died a horrible death, slipping and sliding in her own blood while she tried to stop an elderly neighbor from being robbed. She passed, but she didn’t go anywhere. Life as a ghost isn’t too bad, though. She has her neighbor, Agnes, and together they learn how to dream-share so that Clara can have some company, but then Agnes dies and the cottage sits empty for years.

It’s a lonely, lonely existence, but a safe one.

When Patrick buys the cottage and moves in with big plans to renovate it, Clara’s isolation is broken, but so also is her little bubble of security.

Patrick draws her. He’s handsome, intense, and full of life. He’s everything Clara has been starved of. She dream-shares with him, even knowing he doesn’t understand that she’s real. In those dreams, Patrick takes her to places she never imagined she’d want to go, down the seductive rabbit hole of BDSM. Clara is enraptured, but now that she’s had a taste, she wants more. She wants Patrick to know that she’s real, that he’s doing all these things with her…not with a figment of his imagination.

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Click here for Charli Mac's Deep Desires Press page.

Cool From the Waxing Moon

Cool From the Waxing Moon

Shoju and Matashi, Book Two

Kon Blacke

The story continues…

Matashi is one of the few who didn’t get chosen for the ancient and sacred temple known as Dansei Karuto—the Cult of Men. Not a bad thing, really, because he quickly discovers that temple life isn’t the paradise he was led to believe after being named as an outcast and sent into the forest to fend for himself.

That’s where he meets Akai, an Omega from the secret village who became bonded to Matashi because Matashi is Akai’s Alpha. And after they’ve consummated their newfound love—Akai becoming pregnant with Matashi’s son—that’s when their journey for survival truly begins.

A journey that starts with the rescue of Shoju.

Can Mat survive long enough against the temple’s evil to do as he’s promised? Or will the temple masters crush any hopes of Matashi ever being with the ones he loves, including his Omega Akai?

Let the story of Shoju and Matashi conclude!

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Warmth from the Rising Sun

Warmth from the Rising Sun

Shoju and Matashi, Book One

Kon Blacke

Long ago, on the picturesque but remote Jussei Island, there was an ancient and sacred temple known as Dansei Karuto—the Cult of Men. Every year, the village elders chose boys of age to be selected to serve the temple. Not only was it the highest honour to be chosen, it meant a rich and full life for the families of the boys who were.

But only a handful were ever taken in by the temple.

The year they come of age, Shoju, and his companion, Matashi, wait to learn their fate. As it happens, Shoju becomes one of the lucky few. After being accepted, he's quickly initiated into the Cult of Men so he can be worshipped and have his every desire attended to, no matter how small. All Shoju has to do in return is make himself available to the masters of the shrine for all manner of erotic delights.

Delights Shoju is willing to provide as thanks for his selection.

But all too soon, the waking dream filled with carnal delights, both wondrous and sensual, becomes a nightmare for Shoju. He realises the temple is a prison, even if a gilded one. And what’s more, he discovers the masters have their own nefarious agenda for the boys they’ve selected—an agenda that could cost Shoju more than he ever imagined.

Will he be able to escape the temple in time? Or will Shoju, so caught up in the web of deceit under the guise of worship, become the temple’s next victim?

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Click here for Kon Blacke's author page.

Such a Small World

Such a Small World

Jordan Clayden-Lewis

A speculative queer love story wrapped in memories that won’t stay buried.

Mackenzie’s last boyfriend cheated on him. And for reasons unknown, he didn’t see it coming, even with his ability to see the relationship timeline with every new person he meets - friends, acquaintances, and lovers included.

Usually, these clips of the future, nicknamed Brain Cinema, play out like a movie in his head, only lasting a few seconds most of the time. But that’s not the case when he meets flight attendant Jasper on a plane to Central Australia from the East Coast.

After seeing his relationship timeline with Jasper, Mackenzie realizes he’s received much more than anticipated on this holiday so far. In the vision, he sees them falling in love and living happy years together, but also Jasper dying in his arms around ten years later. This dredges up Mackenzie’s past, and he feels as if history is repeating itself. So he avoids Jasper at all costs in an attempt to save him.

How much can Mackenzie really control his love and life, though, and at what point must he surrender to what’s meant for him, all the while knowing that his time with Jasper is limited?

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Click here for Jordan Clayden-Lewis's author page.

Books by Jordan Clayden-Lewis

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend

Dylan James

Eli is headed out on a wilderness camping weekend with his boyfriend Brady and their best friends Keith and Stefan. For the guys, this weekend getaway is to celebrate graduating high school, but for Eli, it’s about creating wonderful final memories with Brady before he breaks up with him.

It’s not that he doesn’t love Brady, it’s that he doesn’t deserve Brady.

Brady is a young man that’s going somewhere—not just to the west coast for university—but in life. He has prospects ahead of him and the support of loving family behind him. Eli has none of those. Orphaned when he was just ten, he’s bounced from foster home to foster home and in a few weeks when he turns eighteen, he’s out on his own with no supports and no one behind him. He doesn’t want to drag down Brady with this, because it will eventually lead to the end of their relationship—so going out with good memories is the plan.

But for Eli, this plan is a weakness. Something evil has latched onto his unhappiness and his fears of rejection and isolation. When they set out on a hike to an abandoned church, it’s a trek Eli won’t return from as he is entrapped by a demon that draws on his deepest fears and brings them to life.

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Click here for Dylan James's author page.

Defeating Demons and Breaking Up With My Boyfriend is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Stone Feather Fang

Stone Feather Fang

Book One of The Stone of the Andolins Trilogy

A.G. Rodriguez

The gods—the cemi—have left the world of Ke’, and their lush and verdant Andolin Islands are now inhabited by impious followers.

Teenage priestess Hildy Rios is tasked with saving her religion. In a special ritual called the Telling, she must somehow reawaken her people’s love of the gods. Her effort is the last hope of her people: after this Telling, there will be no more chances, as the cemi will vanish into the past, their power forever lost to the world of Ke’.

The weight of her world on her shoulders, Hildy rewrites the Telling’s story—and her own. She weaves a tale of her distant ancestor, a boy named Jenaro, blessed with the ability to see and speak to the cemi; a boy who, though long past, becomes as much a part of the present by way of the Telling’s power.

For three days, Hildy brings to life the tale of Jenaro and his yearning for adventure, how he is haunted by the cemi of death, and who—like her—is fighting against the shackles of his family and society. For three days, Jenaro becomes real, and the power of the cemi to reach across time should be enough to convince Ke’s people, but their impiety runs so deep…

Hildy and Jenaro. Two people joined by cursed blood, but separated by centuries of time. Only the cemi know how their tales will end.

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Stone Feather Fang is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Click here for A.G. Rodriguez's author page.

Books by A.G. Rodriguez



T.J. Baer

“Heartfelt and full of love, Dreamers will stay with you long after finishing. Baer has crafted a beautiful portrait of friendship, family, and staying true to yourself.”
—Alison Evans, author of EUPHORIA KIDS

The week of Leo Torres’ sixteenth birthday, he decides to finally start living as the boy he is. Armed with a new haircut, a chest binder, and a stack of notes declaring his new name to his teachers, Leo shows up to the first day of school ready for a brand new start.

But the ghosts of the past aren’t so easy to overcome. As word about him spreads around school, Leo has to deal with confused classmates, a furious sister, and recurring dreams featuring his long-dead father, who promises he can teach Leo how to “dream walk.” Leo is almost positive the dreams are just that—dreams—but when they take him into the dreamscape of the soft-spoken new kid, Robbie, Leo realizes nothing is as it seems.

Leo never expected to spend his sixteenth year coming out, falling in love, and walking into other people’s sleeping minds, but he’s learning that pretty much anything is possible. Anything he can dream.

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Click here for T.J. Baer's author page.

Dreamers is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Books by T.J. Baer

Of Gods and Boys

Of Gods and Boys

Harry F. Rey

Teenager Achilles is fresh out of juvie.

It wasn't even for something he did; he took the fall for a crime committed by his father, a member of the Greek mafia. As hard as prison was for Achilles, being outside is proving even harder. He struggles to reconnect with his former girlfriend Carla while getting his GED and navigating the bizarre parole condition of qualifying for a Greco-Roman wrestling competition. At least his mom, an ardent follower of traditional Greek religion, is there to help Achilles win the favor of the gods with animal sacrifices in the back garden.

When Principal McKenna sets Achilles up with a student tutor, out-and-proud Hispanic math genius Jesús, things start to turn mythical. After saving Jesús from a violent homophobic attack, the Gods want a word with Achilles. With the help of Underworld boatman Charon (in full drag), Achilles' heroic actions spark an epic adventure of mythological proportions that will force Achilles to confront, and defeat, all his many, many demons in order to win what his heart truly desires.

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Click here for Harry F. Rey's author page.

Of Gods and Boys is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.