Tag: geneva gordon

Say Yes, Baby

Say Yes, Baby

Geneva Gordon

Self-made billionaire Mickey Finn is at the top of his game, buying and developing properties. He has no time for relationships and no need for them either—quick one-night stands have always been enough for him.

Parker Chen is a world-renowned drummer who works with some of the hottest acts in the industry—including with Mickey’s brother’s band. Not only is Parker incredibly talented, she’s also young and gorgeous. She, too, has no need for relationships when a short dalliance will do…until she meets Mickey Finn.

Mickey is at once enchanted by Parker, but for two attractive young people who seem so perfectly matched, fate has other plans. Between dangerous miscommunications, clingy exes with no boundaries, and the high stresses of both their worlds, it feels like it’s just not meant to be, especially when the perceived threat of betrayal steps in…

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The King’s Treasure

The King's Treasure

One Task, Book Three

Geneva Gordon

Simon, King of Moregane, has been injured in battle and lost his memory...including memories of his beloved, Tig. As he re-learns who he is, he assumes Tig is a whore because of her inappropriate clothing and too-familiar interactions with him, but soon finds out she is feared by everyone in the castle. She is a killer, the Demon in a former life. Yet he is drawn to her, even if he doesn't know why.

In an attempt to regain some normalcy and move forward, Simon brings his former betrothed, Sophie, back to the Moregane to plan their wedding.

Though Tig knows Simon's missing memories make him not himself, she knows Sophie's return to the castle will put her life in jeopardy. She leaves Moregane, unable to face Sophie's revenge, deciding it’s time to start anew, find another man.

The last thing Tig expects is for Simon to regain his memory, cast off Sophie, and begin a desperate quest to reclaim her. Yet, even if he does, their past history formed wounds too deep to heal.

Even if he returns to claim her, how can she trust that he really loves her?

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The Demon You Love

The Demon You Love

One Task, Book Two

Geneva Gordon

Famous fighter and soon-to-be movie star Tig is transported back in time to the Kingdom of Moregane against her will. She had sworn never to return and had moved on with her life, but now she’s captured by the Duchess of Chrissley, who then sells her into slavery where she’s tortured, manipulated into addiction, and then forced to kill for entertainment. She becomes a sensation, drawing crowds and generating massive amounts of money for her owner.

Simon, King of Moregane, is on a diplomatic mission to Skree. To celebrate successful negotiations, he attends the local arena to watch some fighting, including this new sensation—the demon—that everyone is talking about. But when the demon enters the arena, ready to take down her enemy, Simon is shocked to learn it is Tig, a woman he had come to love but was heartbroken over when she left.

He rescues her, but all is not well. Tig is haunted by the things she has done and is tormented by the ghosts of those she has killed. Assurances and sweet words from Simon do little to help.

One apparition that haunts her is determined to destroy her. Simon will do whatever he can to help her. But will it be enough?

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Click here for Geneva Gordon's author page.

You Can’t Delete You

You Can't Delete You

Geneva Gordon

Gray is an actor surging in popularity with his big break. Carly is a research assistant for a tabloid TV show.

Given the overlap of their two worlds, they should have met before—indeed, opportunity has presented itself several times—but Carly is worried that actor-Gray will be different from the Gray she knows, and she doesn't want to confront that possible reality.

Gray and Carly met years ago as pre-teens playing online video games. It was a chance meeting and an unlikely friendship, maintained through gaming and online chat, but that friendship remained, even as their worlds evolved and eventually collided.

Despite Carly not wanting to meet the real Gray, fate has other plans and brings them together. Will this online spark between them fan into a flame of passion? Or will it be game over?

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One Task

One Task

The Warrior and The King

Geneva Gordon

Tig is a woman of many talents. Her proficiency at martial arts has gained her celebrity status, she’s a former special operative, and she’s looking to ride the wave of her popularity and land a career in film.

None of this, however, fully prepares her for when she is transported to the distant past in the strange land of Moregane.

In this new land, she is given one task: kidnap Simon Lassiter, the King’s brother, and return him to Moregane for execution.

If she completes it, she gets to go home and return to her normal life. If she fails, she dies.

Determined to regain her life, she again finds herself unprepared when she develops feelings for her target. And the questions she asks herself could change her life forever. Is there a future for her and Simon in Moregane? Could she give up returning home in order to be with him?

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