Tag: kon blacke

Cool From the Waxing Moon

Cool From the Waxing Moon

Shoju and Matashi, Book Two

Kon Blacke

The story continues…

Matashi is one of the few who didn’t get chosen for the ancient and sacred temple known as Dansei Karuto—the Cult of Men. Not a bad thing, really, because he quickly discovers that temple life isn’t the paradise he was led to believe after being named as an outcast and sent into the forest to fend for himself.

That’s where he meets Akai, an Omega from the secret village who became bonded to Matashi because Matashi is Akai’s Alpha. And after they’ve consummated their newfound love—Akai becoming pregnant with Matashi’s son—that’s when their journey for survival truly begins.

A journey that starts with the rescue of Shoju.

Can Mat survive long enough against the temple’s evil to do as he’s promised? Or will the temple masters crush any hopes of Matashi ever being with the ones he loves, including his Omega Akai?

Let the story of Shoju and Matashi conclude!

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Warmth from the Rising Sun

Warmth from the Rising Sun

Shoju and Matashi, Book One

Kon Blacke

Long ago, on the picturesque but remote Jussei Island, there was an ancient and sacred temple known as Dansei Karuto—the Cult of Men. Every year, the village elders chose boys of age to be selected to serve the temple. Not only was it the highest honour to be chosen, it meant a rich and full life for the families of the boys who were.

But only a handful were ever taken in by the temple.

The year they come of age, Shoju, and his companion, Matashi, wait to learn their fate. As it happens, Shoju becomes one of the lucky few. After being accepted, he's quickly initiated into the Cult of Men so he can be worshipped and have his every desire attended to, no matter how small. All Shoju has to do in return is make himself available to the masters of the shrine for all manner of erotic delights.

Delights Shoju is willing to provide as thanks for his selection.

But all too soon, the waking dream filled with carnal delights, both wondrous and sensual, becomes a nightmare for Shoju. He realises the temple is a prison, even if a gilded one. And what’s more, he discovers the masters have their own nefarious agenda for the boys they’ve selected—an agenda that could cost Shoju more than he ever imagined.

Will he be able to escape the temple in time? Or will Shoju, so caught up in the web of deceit under the guise of worship, become the temple’s next victim?

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Click here for Kon Blacke's author page.

A Cat’s Play is the Death of Mice

A Cat's Play is the Death of Mice

Kon Blacke

When Oliver Merritt’s parents were murdered by a strange, shadowed man in an alleyway off the foggy streets of Victorian London, he vowed to get revenge against him. In his sorrow, Oliver discovered he has magic—an energy that’s anchored to his physical self and acts as an enhanced extension of his senses, but only stays with him if he remains chaste.

With nowhere else to go, Oliver accepts an offer to live in a brothel, starting work as an exotic dancer to earn his keep. If he thought his life had been turned upside down, things become even more interesting when a scraggly, tousle-haired lad named Tom Arkwright—the son of a local constable—arrives at the brothel as part of another murder investigation.

Together they help each other with their cases, and in doing so, they realize the shadowed man who murdered Oliver’s parents—called the Skilamalink Man—is responsible for all the murders in the area. Oliver soon finds himself falling for the charming, streetwise young Tom.

Now he must choose between revenge and love. But if he chooses his heart, is it right to sacrifice his magic, when it might be the only thing that can stop the Skilamalink Man from killing again?

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Click here for Kon Blacke's author page.

Battle for Atashaal

Battle for Atashaal

Arty Tekken Chronicles, Book One

Kon Blacke

Arty Tekken has a problem.

Of all the presents in all the world, Tobias’ first anniversary gift should be special. Which is why Arty is going to get him something wonderful, fabulous, even…otherworldly.

Luckily, Arty can open a wormhole and hitchhike to the ends of time and space, but what should he get?

A bumbling attempt to find the perfect present lands Arty on Atashaal, a strange planet where the Living Crystals can be found. Unfortunately, he also finds himself smack bang in the middle of a civil war.

Desperate for the secret to Arty’s abilities, aliens capture him, seeking the answers.

But Arty can no more explain this than he can the garbled voices he alone is hearing. When they start to make sense, Arty’s past begins to trickle in, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. All he wants to do now is get off Atashaal no matter what. But with his failing legs, his escape from capture is also hindered by the fact he’s swamped in the voices and the burning desire to get back to Tobias.

As Arty grows weaker, he doesn’t know if he will ever see his beloved Tobias again or whether he’ll remain stuck on Atashaal, a prisoner forever in every sense of the word…

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Click here for Kon Blacke's author page.

Battle for Atashaal is published by Dreamsphere Books, our imprint for fantasy and science-fiction. To learn more or to discover more great fiction, click here to visit the Dreamsphere website.

My Saurian Friends

My Saurian Friends

The Saurian Love Trilogy, Book Two

Kon Blacke

Max Bujold is a velociraptor with heart.

But because he works undercover to expose illegal activities against humans by saurians, he finds himself embroiled in the sickening underworld culture known as ikizukuri porn. This spectacle, organised by underworld bosses for saurian entertainment, puts bought humans ‘on the menu’ to be 'used' and eaten alive at the same time.

One such human, a young boy named Benjamin, steals Max’s heart at the same time as Aston, Max’s next-door neighbour, does. And all too quickly, Max discovers he not only needs to save Benjamin, but Aston as well.

Can Max, with the help of his saurian friends, prevent the unthinkable? Or will his job force him to live the rest of his days without the loves of his life?

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My Tyrannosaurus Lover

My Tyrannosaurus Lover

The Saurian Love Trilogy, Book One

Kon Blacke

Karl Meddings is what you would call an ordinary guy in every way. He loves his best friend—with benefits—Sagan, with all his heart, and leads a good life. The only unusual thing about his world is the fact he shares it with saurians—the modern-day ancestors of dinosaurs.

But now, Karl’s boss, a rather attractive tyrannosaurus by the name of Benedict Tumbold, has an interesting proposal for both Karl and Sagan—a proposal that could turn Karl from an ordinary guy with no real prospects to someone special.

A hero…

Will Karl accept his boss’s offer? Will Sagan? Or will an ordinary life be all that Karl’s destined for?

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Mortal Screaming

Mortal Screaming

The Legend of Hereward #2

Kon Blacke

The whisperings continue beyond the aftermath of Ealdræd’s destruction. And as the dust settles across the universe after such an event, a new, greater evil seizes the opportunity to arise. An evil that begets an evil that will threaten the world in ways the gods can’t even fathom.

As the Whispering Monks have foretold.

The whisperings also mention a boy named Wallace, rescued by Lord Knight Hereward after an unspeakable horror. That boy—destined to be the son of Hereward—has a greater purpose within the machinery of the universe as a demon slayer. But that’s just the beginning for Hereward’s son.

So the whisperings say.

The whisperings also speak of Abbot Hosho’s mortal creation, Greysen. A man who’s an outcast but far more powerful than the supplicant he currently believes he is—more so when the demon he serves releases its hold on him, for Greysen is no longer desired.

So it is that these two—Wallace and Greysen—with Lord Hereward’s sword, will reshape the world as much as any evil born ever could. Because when good has a greater purpose, everything changes. For better or for the worse? Only the Whispering Monks can say.

And they don’t whisper about that.

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The Chirping Cricket Desires The Ripened Crop

The Chirping Cricket Desires The Ripened Crop

Boyslove in the Gangland District #4

Kon Blacke

To save his kidnapped brother Jiro from a notorious underworld boss simply known as Yukkon, shy twenty-five-year-old Eli Shigeru will do whatever it takes. As if by a miracle, he crosses paths with a well-dressed gentleman named Kane, who claims to be an assassin offering his services.

In exchange for his help, Kane proposes something Eli never considered. It begins as a Dom/sub partnership. And as things get more serious between them, Kane begins worshipping his submissive Eli in ways he never imagined, both perverse and beautiful.

Eli quickly falls head over heels in love with Kane.

But will that love come at a price? Because Eli soon realizes that he’s become a completely different person, all because of Kane. And whether that is a good thing or not, especially as far as his brother Jiro is concerned, only time will tell.

Publisher's note:
Eli’s story is a standalone but also continues the “Boyslove in the Gangland District” series.

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Catching Two Frogs With One Hand

Catching Two Frogs With One Hand

Boyslove in the Gangland District #3

Kon Blacke

As new boyfriends, twenty-one-year-olds Tetsu and Rion enjoy a night out on the town together. After a few drinks, they stumble upon a sushi bar that offers a rather special dining experience.

To their surprise, they’ve arrived during an important function, and the owner of the restaurant believes Tetsu and Rion are the models he hired. As such, they soon discover the lucrative world of nantamoiri—the art of naked men being "dinner plated" so diners can enjoy eating food off them.

So begins their journey into the world of adult entertainment.

Unfortunately for Tetsu and Rion, they quickly realize they’ve also become involved with the city’s underworld; the diners who’ve paid for their services over the course of a week suddenly claim they own the boys.

Fearing for their lives, and the fact they’ll become sex slaves to these men if they refuse them, an undercover cop named Hank offers them their only way out. The result of Hank’s help, however, will be something Rion and Tetsu never expected. Not ever!

Publisher's note:
Tetsu and Rion’s (as well as Hank’s) story is a standalone book, but also continues the “Boyslove in the Gangland District” series.

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Soft Boys Play Hard

Soft Boys Play Hard

Boyslove in the Gangland District #2

Kon Blacke

Jake is now eighteen.

At the same time, Jake and Larry become boyfriends and they’re finally able to consummate their love. No surprises there. The two of them have been close for a while, working together in Larry’s recently expanded private investigation company, with Jake having quit his old job to become Larry’s office clerk.

But they didn’t expect what would follow their declaration of love.

Larry and Jake are being watched. Before they know it, they’re involved with notorious drug dealers and rival gangs, all because they helped the cops convict a particularly nasty crime boss.

A boss who's now issued a bounty on Jake as payback.

Can Larry and Jake survive their first real challenge as a couple? Or will Jake find himself swimming with the fishes and wearing concrete shoes before Larry can save him?

Publisher's note:
Jake and Larry's story is a standalone sequel to “Offering Gold Coins to a Cat”.

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