Tag: novella

The Chirping Cricket Desires The Ripened Crop

The Chirping Cricket Desires The Ripened Crop

Boyslove in the Gangland District #4

Kon Blacke

To save his kidnapped brother Jiro from a notorious underworld boss simply known as Yukkon, shy twenty-five-year-old Eli Shigeru will do whatever it takes. As if by a miracle, he crosses paths with a well-dressed gentleman named Kane, who claims to be an assassin offering his services.

In exchange for his help, Kane proposes something Eli never considered. It begins as a Dom/sub partnership. And as things get more serious between them, Kane begins worshipping his submissive Eli in ways he never imagined, both perverse and beautiful.

Eli quickly falls head over heels in love with Kane.

But will that love come at a price? Because Eli soon realizes that he’s become a completely different person, all because of Kane. And whether that is a good thing or not, especially as far as his brother Jiro is concerned, only time will tell.

Publisher's note:
Eli’s story is a standalone but also continues the “Boyslove in the Gangland District” series.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Catching Two Frogs With One Hand

Catching Two Frogs With One Hand

Boyslove in the Gangland District #3

Kon Blacke

As new boyfriends, twenty-one-year-olds Tetsu and Rion enjoy a night out on the town together. After a few drinks, they stumble upon a sushi bar that offers a rather special dining experience.

To their surprise, they’ve arrived during an important function, and the owner of the restaurant believes Tetsu and Rion are the models he hired. As such, they soon discover the lucrative world of nantamoiri—the art of naked men being "dinner plated" so diners can enjoy eating food off them.

So begins their journey into the world of adult entertainment.

Unfortunately for Tetsu and Rion, they quickly realize they’ve also become involved with the city’s underworld; the diners who’ve paid for their services over the course of a week suddenly claim they own the boys.

Fearing for their lives, and the fact they’ll become sex slaves to these men if they refuse them, an undercover cop named Hank offers them their only way out. The result of Hank’s help, however, will be something Rion and Tetsu never expected. Not ever!

Publisher's note:
Tetsu and Rion’s (as well as Hank’s) story is a standalone book, but also continues the “Boyslove in the Gangland District” series.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Soft Boys Play Hard

Soft Boys Play Hard

Boyslove in the Gangland District #2

Kon Blacke

Jake is now eighteen.

At the same time, Jake and Larry become boyfriends and they’re finally able to consummate their love. No surprises there. The two of them have been close for a while, working together in Larry’s recently expanded private investigation company, with Jake having quit his old job to become Larry’s office clerk.

But they didn’t expect what would follow their declaration of love.

Larry and Jake are being watched. Before they know it, they’re involved with notorious drug dealers and rival gangs, all because they helped the cops convict a particularly nasty crime boss.

A boss who's now issued a bounty on Jake as payback.

Can Larry and Jake survive their first real challenge as a couple? Or will Jake find himself swimming with the fishes and wearing concrete shoes before Larry can save him?

Publisher's note:
Jake and Larry's story is a standalone sequel to “Offering Gold Coins to a Cat”.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Offering Gold Coins to a Cat

Offering Gold Coins to a Cat

Boyslove in the Gangland District #1

Kon Blacke

Tachibana Kushano goes to Michael Brock’s gentleman’s club, Badda-Bings, to give himself to many other men at once. All because his boyfriend, Riyu, orders him to.

Tachibana never questions Riyu.

He’s his submissive, after all.

But when he’s finished, Riyu still isn’t happy, and Tachibana doesn’t understand why. And as he quickly discovers, he’s never been appreciated by Riyu either, even when he’s done whatever he’s been told without question. As a result of Riyu’s anger, Tachibana is then punished, hurt beyond anything imaginable.

For Tachibana, it’s the last straw.

The trouble is…how can he recover after being dominated by Riyu for so long? How can he learn to trust someone else again?

But above all, how can Tachibana love someone else, even someone who wants to care for him? Someone like Michael Brock, for instance?

Publisher's note:
This dark boys’ love story contains graphic gay sex between adults. It also contains the attempted abuse of an underage character, and torture of a character as punishment, which may cause some people distress.

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Books by Kon Blacke

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Sins of the Vampire

Sins of the Vampire

Britt Collins

Thirty days.

That's how long Cross has been back. It's been one entire month and still he's living in a rat-infested, abandoned motel. The shrillness of a woman screaming in the night fills him with a gut-wrenching pain.

Pandora is all alone. Though she's not unfamiliar with the creatures of the night, she's terrified. She's being hunted by humans and demons who want to use her for their own ends.

Her only chance at survival is a former angel, long tossed out of Heaven and now a pure blood vampire...

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Books by Britt Collins

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The Clockwork Courtesan

The Clockwork Courtesan

The Tales of the Tantric Aviatrix, Book 1

Timothy Black

In 1836 the Industrial Revolution collided with the sexual revolution when magic was unleashed upon an unsuspecting Earth.

Ancient mystic practices were applied to a new form of technology pioneered by the first tantric aviatrixes, the Matriarchy, who used their secret Art to launch a flying city named Godmother, the Amethyst City. But twenty years of aerial and techno-magical superiority have led the ruling Crone Council and the zealots of the Legion of Lilith to slowly turn the Matriarchy toward the idea of rule rather than liberation.

Although concerned with the recent militaristic bent of her sisterhood, Charlotte Frost is more preoccupied with a cheating wife and trying to keep her Liberty Ship, the Harlot’s Promise, aloft and free of interference by the Crones. But the appearance of a prototype Doll, self-aware and capable of mind control via sex, shakes what little faith Charlotte has left in the Matriarchy’s pure motives.

The truth is far darker and more tangled than she ever suspected.

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Books by Timothy Black

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Desire and Witchery

Desire and Witchery

A novella in The Thurian Chronicles

Christopher Stires

I am witch’s animal companion, known as familiar by those with sorcery knowledge. I am in the legendary appearance of a male black cat. One can believe my words or not. I shall admit that I lie when it is convenient.

Milady Londyn is not witch nor sorceress. Never has been. She is human mortal and has no wizardry skills or aspirations. And she does not know about my true nature despite our time together. My mistress is a stunning, golden-haired beauty who had lived a most privileged life as the daughter of the most powerful lord in the kingdom’s northern realm.

Then her father led a rebellion against the king. And failed. Now Milady is hunted as traitor with bounty upon her. I vow to protect her from all who wish her harm. Alas, I may not be able to shield her from her own desires when the Captain comes into our lives.

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Books by Christopher Stires

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Saved Tonight

Saved Tonight

Colt Oakley

When Miles dog-sits for a friend, he settles in for a cozy stay with Maisy, expecting lots of walks and comfortable days spent on the couch. What he doesn’t expect is that the top name on the emergency contact list—his client’s neighbor—is Oliver Greystone. The Oliver Greystone. Creator of Saved Tonight, the one-season cult TV show that literally saved Miles’s life.

When Oliver meets Miles, the overzealous Saved Tonight fan standing on his front steps, all he wants to do is slam the door in the guy’s face. The last thing he needs is another fan of his failed TV show to remind him of how much he embarrassed himself with that whole debacle.

But there’s something about Miles that Oliver can’t shake. Maybe it’s the goofy nature, maybe it’s all the delicious baking…or maybe it’s because Miles is finally making Oliver feel like he's not a failure.

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Books by Colt Oakley

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The Line of Succession 5: Royal Prerogative

The Line of Succession 5: Royal Prerogative

Harry F. Rey

The crisis facing the British monarchy is rushing headlong to catastrophe. To show the world that Britain is ready to embrace change, Prince James has embraced a royal referendum, to let the people decide who will be the next monarch.

Will the British people accept James, a gay man, as their soon-to-be king? Or will they break with centuries of tradition and sidestep him to embrace his sister Alexandra, a woman who promises great reform?

But the crisis extends much deeper than the tabloid headlines.

James and his fiance Andrew struggle to adjust to their newfound status in life and in the public while facing endless obstacles. With an indignant Church and affronted mothers trying to stand in their way and all of the drama in the palace regarding the new hot young servants, James is a tabloid headline away from losing it all.

Meanwhile, Alexandra and Faisal's shaky marriage is on the verge of crumbling. She's willing to sacrifice her marriage—there's no cost too high—if it means she can win the royal referendum and become the Queen she knows she's destined to be and secure a royal future for her children.

And in the background is Lizzie, the illegitimate daughter of Prince Richard and half-sister of James and Alexandra. She's all too happy to help if it means bringing her war against James to a bitter conclusion, and perhaps destroying the monarchy.

One thing is clear: The battle for the line of succession is far from over.

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Books by Harry F. Rey

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The Vampire’s Captive

The Vampire's Captive

Signs & Sigils #2

Dorian Flynn

Mason Kane puts everything on the line to investigate demonic activity.

He has no choice. He has an injury that will soon kill him and his employer, an enigmatic millionaire, holds the cure. The price is risking his life to carry out his work.

When Mason gets a call from an old friend about a young man in the seductive clutches of deadly vampires, he once again goes all-in against the forces of evil. This time, he's not alone; his handsome and charming magician boyfriend, Toma, is at his side and his particular skills have saved Mason before.

But with this case, there's something Mason doesn't know. There's more to these vampires than first meets the eye.

And there might be more to Toma.

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Books by Dorian Flynn

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