Tag: Jacyn Gormish

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Mark of Silence and Secrets

Jacyn Gormish

Cassava is a Black Sin—an undesirable from society that has been trained as an assassin.

She goes where the Priests tell her and kills who they deem unworthy. But this next target is one that stops Cassava cold in her tracks; it's not the usual mark she has to take down. The Priests have learned of someone who is able to weave magic—something that shouldn't be possible, and something that needs to be controlled or eliminated. And to take care of this problem, the Priests are sending her to the mainland, a place forbidden to Cassava and her kind.

When she finds this girl who can weave magic, Cassava is immediately attracted and insatiably curious. She's also overwhelmed and in awe of the mainland, by how much more free and open and safe it is compared to the Islands. But that safety and openness is deceptive as her crush—the girl who weaves magic—soon goes missing, and in her search, Cassava unearths dark truths about the mainland.

And only someone like Cassava—a Black Sin—can do something about it.

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Click here for Jacyn Gormish's author page.

Mark of Silence and Secrets is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Mark of Ravage and Ruin

Jacyn Gormish

When Barli wakes up in a religious-run prison called the Asylum, she has one goal: get out and back to her girlfriend.

The Priest that runs the Asylum sees something more in Barli. He sees an assassin in the making. He pushes her into training to become a Black Sin, a killer for the clergy, free to roam the streets and eliminate anyone he wants removed from society.

For Barli, this is a way to escape and get back to her girlfriend's arms. She plays along with the Priest's plans, even if she has no desire to be a Black Sin.

But the friendships she develops along the way take her by surprise. In particular, she becomes fond of Ferran, a boy locked in the asylum for life for reasons she doesn't know...if there is even a valid reason for the power-hungry Priest to do such a thing.

When Barli's opportunity finally arises to set out into the city and escape to her lover, she learns something that stops her in her tracks.

Ferran is to be killed.

And only Barli can save him.

Purchase your ebook copy now:

Purchase your paperback copy now:

Click here for Jacyn Gormish's Deep Desires Press page.

Mark of Ravage and Ruin is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.