Category: Coming Soon



John Luke Maxwell

Anyone who grew up in the small town of Normal has heard of old Milholland Place. Crispin Galloway certainly has. He's lived next door to the haunted house for years.

It’s now 1997 and a new family is renting the creepy old house. Crispin isn't putting money on them sticking around for very long. Nobody who rents the Milholland Place ever does. He certainly has no intention of going over there himself. After all, he's got enough on his mind, what with having a sexual awakening and crushing on his best friend.

Unfortunately, his new neighbors are in the market for a babysitter to take care of their twin children, and Crispin needs money. The job seems easy enough, even though it means spending an evening at Spook Central, and the money is good. Crispin figures he can handle it.

But then, strange things start happening. Crispin hears noises he shouldn't. Odd messages are left for him. And there is a growing sense that someone—or something—is watching him. Is he merely the victim of a practical joke? Or are the stories about the old Milholland Place rooted in reality?

It's up to Crispin and his friends to discover the truth. Four meddling teenagers and their dog will have to band together to solve this mystery.

And it's not like that's ever happened before!

Normal publishes Friday August 2nd.

Preorder your ebook copy now:

Paperback link will be available August 2nd.

Click here for John Luke Maxwell's author page.

Normal is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack

Benjamin Roesch

When teen musician Rainey Cobb gets noticed by a major record label, she’s caught between her rock & roll dreams and her sick father’s hope that she goes to college.

She finds a romantic diversion in Mia, a music-obsessed college dropout who makes the best mix tapes ever. But it's hard for Rainey to fully open her heart when she’s not quite ready to show the rest of the world she’s gay.

Signing a contract with the label should be a no-brainer. But they’re also demanding that Rainey swap her Grunge-curious look for Gap-catalog styles and her edgy original songs for a more radio-friendly sound. They even offer to pay her dad’s expensive cancer bills if she’ll commit to their vision—but how much should a dream really cost?

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack publishes on September 6.

Preorder your ebook copy now:

Preorder your paperback copy now:

Click here for Benjamin Roesch's author page.

The Rest of Your Life Soundtrack is published by Deep Hearts YA, the young adult imprint of Deep Desires Press. For more information on Deep Hearts YA, please click here to visit the website.